Experience of use Proctonic

Anna's experience from Vilnius

Feedback on using Proctonic by Anna from Vilnius

I ordered the Proctonic Hemorrhoid Relief Cream from the official website on the recommendation of friends. I live in Lithuania in the city of Vilnius for 10 years. There he got married and had children. With the first birth I noticed the first problems. There was a nagging pain during defecation and faint traces of blood appeared on the napkin. Then the situation stabilized and I forgot about it. After my second birth, I was diagnosed with prolapsed hemorrhoids. I began to perceive with horror every desire to defecate, the pain was unreal. When I was bathing, I felt a lump in my anus, which later went away.

Review by Anna from Vilnius, how to use the product

That's how I suffered because I was ashamed to go to the doctor. A friend recommended starting with herbal remedies because they are safe during lactation. I have an increased risk of thromboembolism, so many drugs from the pharmacy are not suitable for me. I went to the official Proctonic website and filled out the feedback form. They returned within 3 minutes and clarified the place of residence and the number of packages. I bought 2 immediately because the manufacturer offered a good discount. The order arrived in Lithuania in 5 days. It's very fast. My orders from other stores take more than 2 weeks.

After the first use I did not feel any difference, but after a week of use, the pain during bowel movements decreased, my mood improved and the fear of going to the toilet disappeared. There is no blood on the napkin due to the presence of oak bark in the composition. I plan to continue treatment. How to use Proctonic cream is described in detail in the instructions. Instructions are also available on the official website. I recommend the product to other women who have the same problem as me.

I hope my review of using Proctonic will help people decide on an order and start treatment. You cannot delay, you must solve the problem as it arises.